يحيا العراق

ياريت اعرف اقول شيء

الموقع: بغداد, Iraq

كل يوم نتعلم

الأربعاء، تموز ١٩، ٢٠٠٦

The Misery Of Iraqi Children

The misery of the Iraqi Children

The place: AlJumhuriya Q./Basra town
Time and date: Morning of Jan. 25th 1999

The first Scene

A group of children are gathering in one of the streets.

Child 1
Lets go play with the sand
Lets start hand by hand

Child 2
Lets border a Disney land
Lets build a palace grand

Lets make a music band
Lets use a magic wand

Child 4
Lets elect a king and queen
Lets make it a very big scene

Lets make a wooden crown
(his eyes met a sad face)
lets enjoy don't frown
I can feel something strange
I can feel a very big change
I can feel the end around
Don't you hear terrifying sound!!

Grandpa is talking wisdom

Or king who lost his kingdom

Don't start please with me
Keep quite you and she

Tell me dear do you want to play
Or do you have something to say?

I am not in a mood to play
I am going to have my way

Lets start our dream
Let me hear your scream

I am going to be the queen
I will be the best of the scene

No problems with the roles
Our aim to achieve the goals

Lets start under the sun
Lets have a little fun

Children start build their dream
Build it with a delighted beam

With skilful engineer hand
They erect the palace of sand

In their work they already sunk
Their throne were made of trunk

The second scene

We have just finished our kingdom
In the world it will be seldom

I just made this lovely design
Engineers should humbly resign

I will prepare a very big party
You shall dance little smarty

All the roles were selected
And the queen already elected

You will find the role of knight
Which will appear to the sight

You will not ask who will be
And the musician should be she

Hurry hurry
The queen in her way
With pleasure we can say
The time is for play

The queen appeared in the field
With all respect the mouths were sealed

She sat on her throne
Her pride was grown

The Queen
I am proud of you citizens
Confidence in you is raising

Our kingdom become with basis
It's strong in different cases

We do have the best builder
And the greatest home defender

We do have the little cutie
Who her art filled with beauty

And adopt the wise teacher
Who will appear now or later

Thanks for God for being healthy
To make our country wealthy

Thanks God for fertile soil
Which is filled with plants and oil

Go and bring me the wise teacher
Who will brought up science seeker

The knight
We are all waiting for orders
Souls and self's freely offers

The Builder
Architecture is our game
You will find us as a flame

The Knight
I'll bring you what you ordered
At your hand the teacher shouldered

The Queen
Citizens treated with respect
No allowance to harmed effect

The Musician
Allow me to start celebration
On the occasion of coronation

People heard their loudly voice
They don't have any choice

They do like their sweetly noise
Children shining girls and boys

All of a sudden a strange voice heard
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….booooh !!!!

Very simply theatre is bombed
What about children?
What about them?
Did they die?
What a shame!

Just a missile lost its way
Expected reason to be say

Children sunk in their blood
This is really a horrible flood

Who is dying? Who is bleeding?
And for a mother who is seeking?

The knight and the teacher,
Did they come?
Or they witnessed the heavy fume?
Did they die? Were they saved?
Or under the sand they are graved?

Under the sand, Under the sand
Did they die hand by hand?

They were building future save
Or were building their grave?

Under the sand, under the sand
Who will tell me who were died?
Who were wounded, who were cried?

The Third Scene

Mother angel
Oh my God, Oh my God
What they did really bad

Father angel
They attacked their dreams
They are bothered with the themes

They don't need any hope
To survive with this scope

Don't my son, don't cry
Your friends start fly

Son angel
Does the builder come to our land
To prepare the angel sand

Daughter Angel
I will pray for the cutie
To fill the sky with beauty

Son angel
Or maybe the bravest knight
I'll spend my day in fight

Daughter angel
I will be the Queen's maid
And implement whatever she said

Father angel
I prefer the wisest teacher
Who will make the life of feature
( a sigh)
Hope to the to live with peace
Lets pray to their good
And the rest the god's will would

Children angel
We want them
We want them
We want them
We want them

Mother angel
I don't allow you being selfish
These acts are very boyish

Many welcomes to the comers
They will have mothers and fathers

And to those who still a life
Hoping to them happiness rife

Daughter angel
Tell me father, tell me mother
Tell me please about the matter

Tell me if the killer punished
Or their crime would be vanished

Mother angel
I can't answer I can't tell
I can't tell you any tale

Father angel
God will help them against the evil
God will make an end to fribble
With the sand with the sand
Children play again start
Another group and another sight
Life will last with a lot of sand
The play start hand by hand


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